
Yi Qiu

Ph.D. student in Physics Department of Pennsylvania State University.


1. Plan(5min)

First three day 每天看两个部分+练习一篇不限时作文

2. Exercise

  • Old building-destroy or preserve

    Old structures' relevance to modern life has been a highly contentious issue.

    • 老化不安全(decrepit)
    • increase population pressure
    • more convenient elevator
    • city appearance
    • historical value
    • symbol of city

    Conclusion: some of them should be effectively preserved.

  • High school students gap before university

    Depending on what kind of life and career one wants to achieve

    • Diversity or not sure of goal: student study science or engineering should travel to cultural relics or spots. while those study social science should try experience work in technology companies..
    • Focus on one specific field or strong interest: go straight to the college and try those on vocation.
  • Is money ==most== important aspect of a job?

    NO, 太绝对。Intro+partly agree+反例

    • compensation reward the employees financially
    • Something else equally important, like room for professional growth and career achievement, the sense of belonging, team spirit, interpersonal relationship \[\rightarrow\] job satisfaction
  • People should only read real story?


    • non fiction advantage: logical ability
    • fairy tale improve children creativity and imagination
    • predict future technology

    Do not confine interest to one particular genre


  1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.

From my perspective, movies and television have more positive effects than side effects on young people. ==Admittedly==, movies and televisions waste a lot of time, making young people addicted to these technology devices for entertainment rather than study, and some of the television channels and modern movies nowadays even have violence or sex tendency to some extend. However, People should not underestimate their function as video medias and their educational influence on young people. On the one hand, as one of the most useful types of video medias, televisions have larger screen than those small ones like mobile-phones or computers which result in less damage to eyes of young people. In addition, well-made TV programs help young people get together with their family and have fun together. When I was a child, our family would gather together watching "Chun Wan" every Chinese Spring Festival. And when it came to that time, elders started telling their life story to us young generation, so as the family history passed on. What's more, TV channels also give people great chance to ease their pressure. Take myself for example, when I was studying in high school, every night I got home with my homework finished, but felt stressed. Actually, however, after I opened the television to watch the NBA games, saw Lebron James dunking or Stephen Curry shooting a 3 point ball, I became happy and released at once. Those are memories of great pleasure, for had a chance to see people and events from such remote distance. On the other hand, as for movies, I personally think that this form of arts is unique and one of the best forms to present aesthetic values. Furthermore, the impact from characters in the movies on young people are also significant. For instance, heroes in movies teach children to be brave and insist on justice. Likewise, gentlemen in films also attract lots of young people to imitate and learn to behave gentlemanlike to women. In conclusion, TV programs as well as movies contribute to several aspects of young people behaviors and help facilitate the development from adolescent to grown-up. ==Blaming on televisions is satire, since the real reason for addictions is the lack of self-control.== So they are definitely more helpful than harmful.


==To begin with==, apparently, they take new entertainment activities for people and help them take a break from busy work or study.

==Movies and televisions are only tools, whose usage depend on their users.==

Some people assert that these things' ==disadvantages overweigh advantages==.

==With the fierce competition on society==, more and more

2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to know about events happening around the world, even if it is unlikely that they will affect your daily life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people might think that we need to focus on ourselves things, and do not need to pay attention to events happening far away. It is true that people's attention is limited, and we do need to stay concentrated at some particular times. However, knowing about events happening around the world do have some good impacts on ourselves' development, and even if it doesn't, people still need to take some time to care about others for the sake of the whole human beings. To begin with, since the world is connected and the people in it are interrelated, every events happening somewhere far away might have some impacts on us. This is called the butterflies effects. Taking COVID-19 for example, as we all know right now, the disease got a lot of people killed in just several months. While thinking back, we may regret that if people know it earlier, pay more attention at the very beginning, the situation would not have come to an end worse than now. What if we all put on mask, set up isolation to cut off the spreading process, instead of letting it go, seeing it as a news from far away which can be easily ignore. Anyway, people should learn from pain. Second, to know about events happening around the world is also an important way to reflect on ourselves as well as draw on experience from others. As the Internet develops, people are capable to acquire knowledge and information no matter what distance is. Before I do physics experiments for research, I would always check the newest news about that field firstly. Because, methods and technologies are improving fast, we should keep on pace with the time to prevent from making old mistakes others did. Though it is a simple habit of me, I believe that the rule is applicable for all researchers to know about events happening around the world in time. All in all, I believe knowing about events happening around the world is both helpful to individuals and the whole society.



research, data, imformation, knowledge, staff,


  1. Your answer focus on the topic question
  2. Your main arguments can be easily found
  3. Your introduction is not unbearably long
  4. Your paragraphing is logical
  5. Your linking of ideas are easy to follow
  6. Your range of vacabulary is not too limited
  7. Your use of sentence structures is varied
  8. Your examples can ALWAYS support your ideas
  9. Your errors in grammar are NOT frequent
  10. Your essay is NOT underlength

5.Random Typing

Few things can be more magical than enjoying a movie in a movie center. Watching the characters on a giant screen helps us better appreciate the cinematography and makes us feel we are genuinely part of the story. The booming surround sound further enhances that effect, not to mention that soundtracks are always pleasantly clearer. Aside from those blessings, we share our viewing experience - the joy sorrow, frustration, anger, excitement, or thrill and sensation, with a large audience. In that sense, movie theaters are nice gathering places for social events. And although movie theaters actually lure us with a combination of things, most importantly they are indeed places where we can escape from our daily life and get transported into the past, the future or the present in a different setting.

History is important as it shapes our nation today. It is a mirror reflecting us and thus is essential to our self-identity. After all, the best approach to knowing and judging ourselves is seeing ourselves in others. A. E. Stevenson was definitely in stating:" We can chart our future wisely and clearly only when we know the past which lead us to the present."

All students should be required to take history classes, regardless of their own academic interest. Like it or not, we're all travelers in time who constantlly draw on our past individual experiences in judging the present; and if we haven't individually experienced anything similar to the present we are in, we draw on our collective memory-the very thing that we call history.

6.Sentence pattern

be supposed to 替换 should

promote the development of 促进。。。的发展

far from being... 完全不是

be concerned about

have a hard time doing something 很难完成某事

What's the good of... if... ? 如果。。。, 。。。又有何好处呢?

make a difference 做贡献

a huge variety of


Independent Writing


  1. 驳论型

    Some people think that.../It is not uncommon today that ... Clearly, .../It maybe true that ...

    But I believe it's an exaggeration to say... Or even if it does, that only happens to those .../ That may be true to a certain extent, but we also have to consider ...

  2. 韦氏型

    ... is ... . That's my understanding of the ...

    Thus, it seems to me that .../ Thus, it seems obvious that .../ I tend to agree with ...

Main body

  1. 段内并列

    To begin with/ First of all/ First and foremost

    Also, .../Apart from, .../Aside from .../Meanwhile, .../Not to mention that

  2. 段内因果

    ..., as a result/ Therefore, .../Thus, ...

  3. 段内假设

    If ..., ... would not ...

    If ..., in that case, ...

  4. 段内废话

    In other words/ that is to say/ which means/ to many of us, ...

    Therefore, the extent of the benefit of [] is clear even to the layman's eyes, and ...

    Had it not been for [], [] would never [].

  5. 段内举例

    Take the case of [], which/who [].


  1. 领导式

    ... is not just a matter of ..., it will ... and even ...

    In conclusion, ... I believe in that because ... If ..., then ... (画大饼)

  2. 家长式

    For those reasons written above /Based on the arguments offered above, we can safely conclude that ...are too important to ignore and...

    Therefore, even though ..., ...(主题)

Integrated Writing

1.Notes: 1 topic + 2 views + 3 positive point +3 negative poinr


The reading passage is concerned with ..., while the lecturer's presentation deals with the same issue. However, he/she argues that ..., which is opposed to the reading's statement. And in the lecture, he/she use three specific points to support his/her idea.

First, even though the reading passage suggests that ..., the lecturer argues in the presentation that .... This is because ..., which means .... Obviously, the lecturer's argument disprove its counterpart in the reading.

Moreover,despite the statement in the reading that ..., the lecturer claims that .... Then he/she supports his.her point with the fact/study/discovery that .... In other words, ....

Finally, the lecturer asserts that ... whereas the reading passage states that .... Given that ..., the lecturer proves that the statement is spurious.

In conclusion, the lecturer clearly identifies the flaws in the reading passage and successfully reveals that the central statement in the reading, -that is, ..., is incorrect.



好的句中穿插:...so ...that .../ enhence

9.Vince videos


Equality: narrow social gaps

Economy: greatly stimulate its economy and improve the life quality of its citizens

Culture: more diversity, promotes creativity

Effectiveness: educated people make big changes




Social relationship

Development of the society: many people are allowed to demonstrate their own preference/ a virtuous cycle is formed in the whole society


It is hard to deny that [opposite detail], and such a fact may mislead to impressionable people to generate the opinion that [opposite opinion]. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously. As far as [point1] [point2] and [point3] are concerned, I strongly hold that [our opinion].

In a nutshell, I maintain that []. Admittedly, as the quote goes" there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes", some people may oppose me. However, I believe they will compromise after being exposed to my article.



On the other hand, 反向论证

a typical student among thousands of others in China.

Nevertheless, a voice arises that []. Ironically, []. Therefore,



  • 注意题目关键词找对应(不要忽略题目中看似次要的一些限制词汇)
  • 6选3出现4个不确定时一定回看原文,对比细节
  • 插空题一定要以上下文参考(一般来说肯定有细节的词汇对应关系)
  • 黑体字段落题目,最好也结合前后文,可以先把握整段的核心逻辑和要点
  • 词汇题可以直接选
  • 先看段落(尽量)总结每句大概意思,再做题(个人习惯)
  • 留出至少20分钟检查


明天试试每题不超1分钟(不包括第10题)超过的一定在1分30秒内 选出来/记录以后跳过



每天一套完整题目(pdf里的练习)+ 写稿背3篇



  • Childhood best time in one's life?

    From my perspective, I disagree that childhood is the best time of one's life due to both physically and mentally inmaturity. Since children are too young and innocent to do things in the right way, they were often told that some of their fantastic imaginations can only come true when they grow up. Take myself for example, I desired to be a physical scientist when I was a child, as time goes by, right now I'm an undergraduate student major in physics, and I feel great to have the strength to keep on chasing my dream or maybe oneday finally achieve it. Therefore, I personally think that grown-up is the best time of life when we can try our best to fulfill our dreams.

  • Which book like best?

    From my perspective, the Sons of Midnight written by Sarman Lucidi is the most useful to me. First, it describe the gap between English and Esat culture and the brigde built upon it by the main character. The main character was born in India and migrate to England at the end. What is more, the whole story which is about how he fought against his fate that he fell and then got up again and again also encourage me a lot. That's a book opened with expectation and closed with profits.

  • Describe best decision made

    Speaking with happiness, I will choose the decision which I decided to be with my current girlfriend to be the best one I made. Thanks to meeting with her, I change myself from a shy and unsocial boy to an outgoing and friendly man. What is more, we are always more than happy when we are together, and when we apart, we can also encourage each other to focus on ones' own things and keep getting better. So, I believe it's the best decision I have made, and I hope it could finally lead to a happy ending.

  • What do you do in spare time

    Well, I always tend to read books in my spare time. Since books can not only bring me more interesting knowledge to broaden my horizon, but also give me opportunities to reflect on myself and learn from the characters in them. For instance, Jean Christoper in Roman Rolan's book is a musician who never adapt his music style to the mossy society because he believes that his music express bona fides to nature. And I sometimes inspired by him to think independently and make choices on my own. Therefore, I believe that books can bring me strength so I prefer spending my spare time on them.

  • Should phone call prohibited in some places?

    From my perspective, people in libraries, museums, and other places where loud speaking might disturbs others should not make or recieve any phone call. First, it's obvious that places like library are made for those who want to focus on their readings or works without botherings, making phone calls are just kind like violation of common regulation, therefore should never be considered correct to do. What is more, making phones call can also be dangerous while driving or on the airplanes. So, I believe that phone calls do need to be forbidden in some place for the sake of politeness and safety.

  • Describe moments which made deep impression on you.

    4 years have gone, I still remember the night when Lebron James won the 2016's championship of NBA for his hometown club Cleveland Caverliers. Because I play basketball when I was in high school, I came to know about the NBA and James. As I began to know more about him, I found him such a talented and smart player. What is more, he is also very competetive and tough, for which I admire most. While he and his teammates faced a 1 to 3 behind, however they didn't give up but keep on fighting and finally made a 3 winning streak. Therefore, their spirits are always in my mind and encourage me to face difficulties rather than giving up.

  • Describe a social or politics celebration event in your culture.

    Well, from my perspective, I will always choose the Mid-Autumn Festival as my favorite social celebration. Similarly, it's a time of family reunion just like some other traditional festivals in Chinese culture. We would have fun together and eat a hhuge variety of mooncakes. What is more, there is also a special custom for this festival in my hometown. We will play dice together with family members, the final winer will be called "Zhuangyuan" which means he carries the whole family's good luck until next year's playing. Therefore, I personally think that this festival is unique and full of happiness.

  • Whether government assist to build museums and theaters?

  • In todays society, heavy workload brings people more and more pressure, which means relaxation in certain ways is needed without doubt. Thus, I believe that museums and theaters are both good places for people to relax while enjoying arts. Taking myself for example, I once felt so tired to cope with the coming tests, it's lind like stressed out. However, as soon as I made my time to watch a Spiderman movie, I was amazed at the fancy animation and advanced technology behind it. After that, I felt energetic again. So I believe government should definitely assist to build more museums adn theaters for the sake of functions those will provide.

  • Describe my favorite place in my city.

    Well, I prefer to go the beach in our city than other places. Hearing the tidal sound, smelling the salty wind, no one can't relax peacefully by the sea. What is more, in my city, there is a beautiful wooden walkway at the beach, which I often went there walking on. I believe it's the best way for me to reflect on myself and relieve my studying pressure. After coming back, I would feel energetic rather than stressed out. Therefore, I personally think that the beach is the one I like most in my city.

  • Whether eat at home or restaurant?

    From my perspective, I always put the choice to eat at home over restaurant because it saves more money and is considered healthier. First, it is obvious that eating at home is more economical since I can buy all the food and materials from nearby markets at relatively low price. What's more, foods in restaurant may not be completely cleaned, which means I probably get sick for them. All in all, it's convenience versus price and health. Therefore, I definitely tend to choose the latter ones to eat at home rather than eating out.




The school is planning to organize a ... program. Because they believe ...

(However), the man/women thinks that it's a good/ bad idea, because .... Moreover, since....

The women/man's argument clearly reveals several flaws of the plan/ shows that the plan is very effective.


... is ... which means that ...

The professor gives us an example of ...

Moreover, he also shows another example of ...


The professor is discussing ...